
Obamacare 奥巴马医改

  A: My university is passing out fliers for health insurance.

  A: 我的大学正在分发健康保险传单。

  B: Mine, too. If I don't choose, I'll get Obamacare.

  B: 我也是。如果我不选择,我会得到奥巴马医改。

  A: What's Obamacare?

  A: 什么是奥巴马医改?

  B: It's the new healthcare provided by the Affordable Healthcare Act.

  B: 这是《平价医疗法案》提供的新医疗保健。

  A: What does it promise?

  A: 它承诺了什么?

  B: It just regulates health insurance so that it's affordable for everyone.

  B: 它只是对健康保险进行监管,让每个人都能负担得起。

  A: That sounds like a great step forward!

  A: 这听起来是向前迈出的一大步!

  B: I think Obama is really keeping his promises.

  B: 我认为奥巴马真的信守了他的诺言。

  A: I wish there were more changes to the education system.

  A: 我希望教育系统有更多的变化。

  B: Most of the acts passed were to help immigrant students.

  B: 通过的大多数法案都是为了帮助移民学生。

  A: It's a shame they fight so hard for underfunded education.

  A: 遗憾的是,他们为资金不足的教育而如此努力。

  B: It's a bit of a letdown for everybody.

  B: 这对每个人都有点失望。
