
Voter ID 选民身份证

  A: Did you hear about the ID enforcement?

  A: 你听说身份证执法了吗?

  B: No, what's that?

  B: 不,那是什么?

  A: It's a law requiring voters to show ID before voting.

  A: 这是一项要求选民在投票前出示身份证的法律。

  B: That doesn't sound like a bad idea.

  B: 这听起来不错。

  A: There are many voters who cannot afford an ID, though.

  A: 然而,有许多选民买不起身份证。

  B: I didn't think about that.

  B: 我没想过。

  A: If IDs are required, even less people will show up to vote.

  A: 如果需要身份证,参加投票的人就会更少。

  B: That completely goes against what they're trying to accomplish.

  B: 这完全违背了他们想要实现的目标。

  A: Besides, many voters don't even have a birth certificate.

  A: 此外,许多选民甚至没有出生证明。

  B: That's another big problem.

  B: 这是另一个大问题。

  A: I'm completely against this voting requirement.

  A: 我完全反对这一投票要求。

  B: Me, too! All it will do is keep people from voting.

  B: 我也是!它只会阻止人们投票。
