美国国家公共电台 NPR 埃隆·马斯克持有Twitter 9%的股份,成为其最大股东(在线收听

Elon Musk takes a 9% stake in Twitter to become its largest shareholder

埃隆·马斯克持有Twitter 9%的股份,成为其最大股东


Tesla CEO Elon Musk is one of Twitter's most outspoken voices. Now he's also the social media company's largest shareholder.




Elon Musk is the richest person in the world. The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX is also now Twitter's largest shareholder. News that he took a 9% stake sent Twitter stock soaring. And he's shaking things up again. In a Twitter poll last night, he asked whether users want an edit button. NPR tech correspondent Shannon Bond reports.


SHANNON BOND, BYLINE: Elon Musk has recently used his Twitter account to share photos of SpaceX rockets and Star Wars memes, challenge Russian President Vladimir Putin to a duel for Ukraine and poll his 80 million-plus followers about free speech.

香农·邦德,附文:埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)最近使用自己的Twitter账号分享了SpaceX火箭和《星球大战》迷因的照片,挑战俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)为乌克兰决斗,并对其8000多万粉丝进行了关于言论自由的投票。

SIVA VAIDHYANATHAN: Elon Musk might be the second-most successful crank caller of the 21st century.

SIVA VAIDHYANATHAN:埃隆·马斯克可能是21世纪第二位最成功的怪人。

BOND: That's Siva Vaidhyanathan, a media studies professor at the University of Virginia. He says the most successful crank caller is, of course, Donald Trump, who, like Musk, was adept at being the loudest voice on Twitter until it banned him. Recently, Musk has taken up a cause championed by Trump, as well as many of his own superfans, the idea that Twitter's limits on what users can say amount to censorship.

邦德:这位是弗吉尼亚大学媒体研究教授西瓦·瓦伊迪亚纳坦。他说,最成功的来电者当然是唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump),他和马斯克一样,擅长在推特上发出最响亮的声音,直到被禁止。最近,马斯克发起了一项由特朗普以及他自己的许多超级粉丝支持的事业,即推特对用户言论的限制等同于审查。

VAIDHYANATHAN: Elon Musk is one of a large number of loud men who are - have been annoyed by Twitter's policies over the years. He just has more money than the rest.

瓦迪希阿纳坦:多年来,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)一直被推特的政策所困扰,是众多大声喧哗的人之一。他只是比其他人有钱。

BOND: And now he's used some of that money to become Twitter's largest investor despite musing recently - on Twitter, of course - about creating an alternative social platform. So what does this mean for Twitter? Brooke Erin Duffy is associate professor of communications at Cornell.

邦德:现在,尽管最近(当然是在Twitter上)在思考如何创建一个替代社交平台,他还是用其中的一些钱成为了Twitter的最大投资者。那么这对Twitter意味着什么呢?Brooke Erin Duffy是康奈尔大学传播学副教授。

BROOKE ERIN DUFFY: You know, Musk has been very open about, well, everything on Twitter. And so what sort of insight is he going to provide through his account on this company?


BOND: He could agitate for change. But Vaidhyanathan argues buying the stake might be the point.


VAIDHYANATHAN: Like, it's just a new way of trolling, right? It's, like, trolling with your own money.


BOND: Either way, it keeps Musk where he likes to be, in the Twitter spotlight.

