巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生日记摘录(3)(在线收听


  It is true that I have had only the one glance at him, and yet there are some things to which Iam ready to swear. He is no one whom I have seen down here, and I have now met all theneighbours. The figure was far taller than that of Stapleton, far thinner than that of Frankland.

  Barrymore it might possibly have been, but we had left him behind us, and I am certain that hecould not have followed us. A stranger then is still dogging us, just as a stranger dogged us inLondon. We have never shaken him off. If I could lay my hands upon that man, then at last wemight find ourselves at the end of all our difficulties. To this one purpose I must now devote allmy energies.

  确实是我只看到了他一眼, 可是有几点我是可以肯定的。 他绝不是我在这里所见到过的人, 而我现在和所有的邻居都见过面了。 那身形远比斯台普吞高得多, 也远比弗兰克兰为瘦。

  说不定可能是白瑞摩, 可是我们已把他留在家里了, 而且我可以肯定, 他是不会跟踪我们的。

  这样说, 一定还有一个人在尾随着我们, 正如同有一个陌生人在伦敦尾随我们一样, 我们一直也未能把他甩掉。 如果我们能抓住那个人的话, 那么, 我们的一切困难就都迎刃而解了。

  为了达到这一目的, 我现在非得全力以赴不可。

  My first impulse was to tell Sir Henry all my plans. My second and wisest one is to play myown game and speak as little as possible ta anyone. He is silent and distrait. His nerves have beenstrangely shaken by that sound upon the moor. I will say nothing to add to his anxieties, but I willtake my own steps to attain my own end.

  我的第一种想法是打算把我的整个计划都告诉亨利爵士; 第二种想法, 我认为也是最聪明的想法, 那就是自己干自己的, 尽量不和任何人谈起。 他显得沉默而茫然, 那沼地的声音已使他的神经受到了 不可思议的震惊, 我不愿再以任何事情来加深他的焦虑, 为了达到自己的既定目的, 我就必须采取单独的行动了。

  We had a small scene this morning after breakfast. Barrymore asked leave to speak with SirHenry, and they were closeted in his study some little time. Sitting in the billiard-room I more thanonce heard the sound of voices raised, and I had a pretty good idea what the point was which wasunder discussion. After a time the baronet opened his door and called for me.

  今天早饭之后, 我们又出了一件小事。 白瑞摩要求和亨利爵士单独谈话, 他俩在爵士的书房里关起门来待了 一会。 我坐在弹子房里不止一次听到谈话的声音变得高了起来, 我很明了所谈的是什么问题。 过了一会儿, 准男爵就打开房门叫我进去了。
