巴斯克维尔的猎犬 岩岗上的人(4)(在线收听


  "Well, I'll answer," she said. "What are your questions?"“好吧, 我回答吧, ” 她说道,“您的问题是什么? ”

  "Did you correspond with Sir Charles?"

  “您和查尔兹爵士通过信吗? ”

  "I certainly wrote to him once or twice to acknowledge his delicacy and his generosity."“我确实给他写过一两次信, 感谢他的体贴和慷慨。”

  "Have you the dates of those letters?"

  “发信的日期您还记得吗? ”



  "Have you ever met him?"

  “您和他会过面吗? ”

  "Yes, once or twice, when he came into Coombe Tracey. He was a very retiring man, and hepreferred to do good by stealth."

  “会过面, 在他到库姆· 特雷西来的时候会过一两次面。 他是个很不爱出头露面的人,他宁愿暗地里做好事。”

  "But if you saw him so seldom and wrote so seldom, how did he know enough about youraffairs to be able to help you, as you say that he has done?"“可是, 如果您很少看到他而又很少给他写信的话, 关于您的事他怎么会知道得那样多,以致象您所说的那样来帮助您呢? ”

  She met my difficulty with the utmost readiness.

  她毫不犹豫地回答了 这个我认为是难于回答的问题。

  "There were several gentlemen who knew my sad history and united to help me. One was Mr.

  Stapleton, a neighbour and intimate friend of Sir Charles's. He was exceedingly kind, and it wasthrough him that Sir Charles learned about my affairs."“有几个绅士知道我的可悲的经历, 他们共同帮助了 我。 一个是斯台普吞先生, 他是查尔兹爵士的近邻和密友, 他心肠好极了, 查尔兹爵士是通过他才知道我的事的。”

  I knew already that Sir Charles Baskerville had made Stapleton his almoner upon severaloccasions, so the lady's statement bore the impress of truth upon it.

  我知道查尔兹·巴斯克维尔爵士曾有几次邀请斯台普吞负责为他分发救济金, 因此女士的话听来倒似乎真实。
