巴斯克维尔的猎犬 沼地的惨剧(3)(在线收听


"I thought as much -- and knowing your admirable tenacity I was convinced that you weresitting in ambush, a weapon within reach, waiting for the tenant to return. So you actually thoughtthat I was the criminal?"

“我想到了这点, 而又素知你那值得佩服的、 坚韧不拔的性格, 我就准知道你在暗中坐着, 手中握着你那支手枪, 等待着屋主人回来。 你真的以为我就是那逃犯吧? ”

"I did not know who you were, but I was determined to find out."“我并不知道你是谁, 可是我下定决心要弄清这一点。”

"Excellent, Watson! And how did you localize me? You saw me, perhaps, on the night of theconvict hunt, when I was so imprudent as to allow the moon to rise behind me?"“好极了, 华生! 你是怎样知道我的地点的呢? 也许是在捉逃犯的那晚上, 我不小心站在初升的月亮前面被你看到了吧? ”

"Yes, I saw you then."

“对了, 那次我看到你了。”

"And have no doubt searched all the huts until you came to this one?"“你在找到这间石屋以前, 一定找遍了所有的小屋吧? ”

"No, your boy had been observed, and that gave me a guide where to look."“没有, 我看到了你雇用的那小孩了, 是他指给了我搜寻的方向。”

"The old gentleman with the telescope, no doubt. I could not make it out when first I saw thelight flashing upon the lens." He rose and peeped into the hut. "Ha, I see that Cartwright hasbrought up some supplies. What's this paper? So you have been to Coombe Tracey, have you?"“准是在有一架望远镜的那位老绅士那里看到的吧。最初我看到那镜头上的闪闪反光我还弄不清是什么呢。” 他站起来朝小屋里望了一眼,“哈, 卡特莱又给我送上来什么吃用的东西了, 这张纸是什么? 原来你已经到库姆· 特雷西去过了, 是吗? ”



"To see Mrs. Laura Lyons?"

“去找劳拉· 莱昂丝太太吗? ”


