巴斯克维尔的猎犬 沼地的惨剧(12)(在线收听


I saw Holmes put his hand to his forehead like a man distracted. He stamped his feet upon theground.

我看到福尔摩斯象是个神经错乱的人似地把手按在额上, 一面跺着脚。

"He has beaten us, Watson. We are too late."

“他已经打败了咱们了, 华生。 咱们来得太晚了 。”

"No, no, surely not!"

“不, 不会, 一定不会。”

"Fool that I was to hold my hand. And you, Watson, see what comes of abandoning yourcharge! But, by Heaven, if the worst has happened we'll avenge him!"“我真是个笨蛋, 竟不采取行动, 而你呢, 华生, 现在该明白放开你应保护的人不管的后果是什么了吧! 天哪! 如果不幸的事终于发生了的话, 那我们就非得向他报复不可了。”

Blindly we ran through the gloom, blundering against boulders, forcing our way throughgorse bushes, panting up hills and rushing down slopes, heading always in the direction whencethose dreadful sounds had come. At every rise Holmes looked eagerly round him, but the shadowswere thick upon the moor, and nothing moved upon its dreary face.

我们在黑暗之中向前乱跑, 不时地撞在乱石上, 勉强地挤过金雀花丛, 上气不接下气地跑上了小山, 再顺着另一个斜坡冲了下去, 一直朝着那可怕的声音传来的方向前进。 每到高处, 福尔摩斯都焦急地向四周望一望, 可是沼地里黑暗异常, 在荒凉的地面上, 没有一件东西在动。

"Can you see anything?"

“你看到什么东西没有? ”



"But, hark, what is that?"

“可是你听听那是什么声音? ”
