巴斯克维尔的猎犬 沼地的惨剧(16)(在线收听


"That we should have heard his screams -- my God, those screams! -- and yet have beenunable to save him! Where is this brute of a hound which drove him to his death? It may belurking among these rocks at this instant. And Stapleton, where is he? He shall answer for thisdeed."

“咱们听到了他的呼声——我的上帝啊, 那阵叫唤呀! ——可是竟救不了 他! 把他置之死地的那只猎狗在哪里呢? 现在它可能正在乱石之间转来转去呢。 还有斯台普吞呢, 他在哪里呢? 他一定得对这件事负责。”

"He shall. I will see to that. Uncle and nephew have been murdered -- the one frightened todeath by the very sight of a beast which he thought to be supernatural, the other driven to his endin his wild flight to escape from it. But now we have to prove the connection between the man andthe beast. Save from what we heard, we cannot even swear to the existence of the latter, since SirHenry has evidently died from the fall. But, by heavens, cunning as he is, the fellow shall be in mypower before another day is past!"

“他当然要负责了 。 我保证要让他负责的。 伯侄两人都已被杀死了——一个是看到了那只他认为是妖魔的畜生就被吓死了 ; 另一个虽曾飞奔逃避也未能免于死亡。 现在咱们得设法证明这人畜之间的关系了。 如果不是咱们听到了那声音的话, 甚至咱们都不会相信那畜生的存在, 因为亨利爵士显然是摔跤跌死的。 可是, 老天在上, 不管他多么狡猾, 过不了明天,我就要抓住这家伙!”

We stood with bitter hearts on either side of the mangled body, overwhelmed by this suddenand irrevocable disaster which had brought all our long and weary labours to so piteous an end.

Then as the moon rose we climbed to the top of the rocks over which our poor friend had fallen,and from the summit we gazed out over the shadowy moor, half silver and half gloom. Far away,miles off, in the direction of Grimpen, a single steady yellow light was shining. It could only comefrom the lonely abode of the Stapletons. With a bitter curse I shook my fist at it as I gazed.

我们痛心地站在这具血肉模糊的尸体两侧, 我们长期的奔波劳碌, 竟落得这样一个可怜的结果, 这个突然而不可挽回的灾难, 使我们心里感到异常沉重。 后来, 月亮升起之后, 我们爬上了我们可怜的朋友摔倒的那块山岩的最高处, 并由绝顶处向黑暗的沼地里逼视。 黑暗中闪烁着银白色的光辉, 几里开外的远处, 在朝着格林盆的那个方向, 有一点单独的黄色火光在闪亮着, 只可能是来自斯台普吞家的那所孤独的房子。 我一面向前看着, 一面对着它狂怒地挥舞着拳头, 并狠狠地咒骂了 一句。
