巴斯克维尔的猎犬 设网(1)(在线收听

Chapter 13 - Fixing the Nets

第十三章 设网

"We're at close grips at last," said Holmes as we walked together across the moor. "What anerve the fellow has! How he pulled himself together in the face of what must have been aparalyzing shock when he found that the wrong man had fallen a victim to his plot. I told you inLondon, Watson, and I tell you now again, that we have never had a foeman more worthy of oursteel."

“咱们终于就要抓住他了, ” 当我们一起走过沼地的时候, 福尔摩斯这样说,“这家伙的神经可真够坚强的! 当他发现他那阴谋已经错杀了人, 面临着本应使人万分惊愕的情况的时候, 他是多么地镇定啊。 我曾在伦敦和你讲过, 华生, 现在我还要和你讲, 咱们从来没遇见过比他更值得一斗的对手呢。”

"I am sorry that he has seen you."

“我感到很遗憾, 他竟看到了你。”

"And so was I at first. But there was no getting out of it."“我起初也这样感觉, 可是这是毫无办法的事。”

"What effect do you think it will have upon his plans now that he knows you are here?"“现在他已知道了你在这里, 你认为对于他的计划会发生什么影响呢? ”

"It may cause him to be more cautious, or it may drive him to desperate measures at once.

Like most clever criminals, he may be too confident in his own cleverness and imagine that he hascompletely deceived us."

“可能会使他变得更加谨慎, 或许会使他马上采取不顾一切的手段。 和大多数有点鬼聪明的罪犯一样, 他可能会过分地相信了 自 己的小聪明, 并且想象他已经完全把咱们骗过去了。 ”

"Why should we not arrest him at once?"

“咱们为什么不马上逮捕他呢? ”
