《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 30(在线收听

In you hop.


Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's keynote speaker, needs no introduction from me.

女士们先生们 今晚的主要发言人 无需我过多介绍

He's been mentioned as a future president.And if you don't believe me, just read his daddy's newspapers.

他被誉为未来的总统 不信的话 看看他父亲的报纸就知道了

Ladies and gentlemen, I'll give you the senator for New York, Henry Shaw!

女士们先生们 让我隆重为你们介绍纽约的参议员 亨利·肖

Thank you.And it's true we have made some progress, but there is no reward for idleness.

谢谢您 某些方面我们的确取得了不小的进步 但游手好闲是不可能有回报的

So just as the odious saloons have been banished...So now the pool halls, and these private parlors...

当那些乌烟瘴气的酒吧被取缔之后 至于那些酿酒厂 和私人作坊

What is that? No,no. Witches!

那是什么?不,不 女巫
