《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 49(在线收听

Credence, I owe you an apology.

克雷登斯 我得向你道歉

I trusted you. I thought you were my friend. That you were different.

我信任了你 我以为你是我朋友 以为你不一样

You can control it, Credence.

你能控制住它 克雷登斯

But I don't think I want to, Mr. Graves.

可是我并不想 格雷夫斯先生

Jeez. Is that the Obscuriathing?

天哪 是那个什么默然者吗

That's more powerful than any Obscurial I have ever heard of.


If I don't come back, look after my creatures.

如果我没能回来 帮我照顾好它们

Everything that you need to know is in there.


What? They're not killing it.

什么 他们杀不了他

Newt! You heard him, look after them!

纽特 你听到了 照顾好它们

Keep holda that, honey. No, no, no! I can't take you. Please let go of me, Jacob!

亲爱的 拿好了 不不不 我不能带上你 让我走吧 雅各布

You're the one that said I was one of youse, right? It's too dangerous.

你说过我们是一伙儿的 对吧 这太危险了

To survive so long, with this inside you, Credence, is a miracle. You are a miracle.

被它寄生你居然幸存到现在 克雷登斯 这就是奇迹 你就是个奇迹

Come with me, think of what we could achieve together.

跟我走吧 想想我们俩联手能做多少

Newt! It's the Second Salem boy.He's the Obscurial.

纽特 是第二塞勒姆的那个男孩 他才是默然者

He's not a child.


His power must be so strong, he's somehow managed to survive.


Newt! Save him.

纽特 一定要救下他

Mr. Graves.Tina. You're always turning up where you are least wanted.

格雷夫斯先生 蒂娜 你真是阴魂不散啊
