New Smithsonian exhibit will look at America's pop culture history(在线收听

New Smithsonian exhibit will look at America's pop culture history


Muhammad Ali's boxing robe, Selena's leather jacket, Ali Wong's dress from her Baby Cobra stand-up, and Mister Rogers' sneakers will all be part of an exhibit at National Museum of American History.


Good morning. I'm Leila Fadel. The Smithsonian is prepping a new bilingual museum exhibit in Washington with more than 200 pop culture artifacts like guitars from Prince and Paul Simon and clothes - Muhammad Ali's boxing robe, Selena's leather jacket, Ali Wong's dress from her "Baby Cobra" stand-up and Mister Rogers' sneakers. Dorothy's popular ruby slippers will still be there, and they're adding a yellow brick road. The doors to Oz open in December. It's MORNING EDITION.
