《欢乐好声音》精讲 18(在线收听

Ah talked some sense into that boyfriend of yours


Lance is an artist but I wouldn't expect you to understand that

兰斯是一名艺术家 我也不期望你能明白

You're right I don't understand that at all

好吧 我是对他一无所知

Now you'll notice each list also includes my costume and performance suggestions

现在 注意你们每人手中的表上都包括 你们的演出服装 表演建议

Okay? Miss crawly will show you to your rehearsal spaces

明白了吗 凯莉太太会带你们去彩排房间

Now let's get to work

好了 动起来

Excuse me Mr Moon?

打扰一下 月伯乐先生

For some reason it says here that I should be playing the piano?


Yes just imagine big soulful guy like you tenderly playing the keys

对啊 你想象一下 体型庞大 感情充沛的你在轻柔的抚摸琴键

There'll be goose bumps everywhere


Well I haven't played piano since I was a kid

好吧 但是我只有在小时候弹奏过钢琴

Miss crawly we're gonna need some piano lessons over here

凯莉太太 我们这里需要钢琴辅导

Yes sir! Up the stairs I'll be right along

明白 先生 就在楼上 我一会就来

And Pete you're in here

还有皮特 你的房间在这里

You got it Mr Moon

了解 伯乐先生

Break it up break it up break it up

散开 都散开哦

Tell ricki He started it


That's right Just like I started this band

不错 这乐队也是我带头组建的

My band Howie

这是我的乐队 豪伊

Oh forgive me your highness

那请您原谅我 尊敬的陛下

Guys come on

伙计们 别这样

No no no no no Hey hey Out Get out of here

别 别在这里唱歌 嘿 出去 都出去

Look just calm down and pick a song

听着 别激动 选一首歌
