《欢乐好声音》精讲 33(在线收听

Now, listen up

现在 听好

Tomorrow we are going to have a full preview of the show and our audience will be none other than miss Nana noodleman

明天我们要完整地彩排这场表演 我们的观众只有露德曼一人

Nana noodleman? She's still alive?

露德曼 她居然还活着

Oh, yes, and believe me, she's got some pretty high standards

噢 当然 相信我 姜还是老的辣 她的水准可高了

So today we're going to have a full dress rehearsal and I want to see you light up the stage, folks

今天 我们要进行一次完整的彩排了 大家听好 我想让你们把舞台点亮

Well, that's cool. Meena? Miss crawly?

好吧 那很酷 米娜 凯莉太太

What do you think?


Wow, it's so ambitious. Yeah, are you sure about this?

哇哦 这太雄心勃勃了 是啊 你确定要这么干吗

I promised Nana something spectacular and this ha! It's gonna blow her away

我向奶奶保证一场盛大的演出 这个会惊艳到她的

Oh, yes. Two minutes, everybody

2分钟准备 大伙儿

Johnny, Johnny, where are you?

强尼 强尼 你在哪儿

Johnny, answer the walkietalkie. Yeah, dad, I'm here, I'm here. What's wrong?

强尼 回答无线电话 是的 是的 老爹 我在这儿 我在这儿 什么事

We got the call Shipment's coming in

我们接到电话 货到了

Tonight? Not tonight. Now. Meet us on the corner of Hector street in two minutes

今晚不是今晚 是现在 两分钟后在赫克特街角汇合

Stay here, we'll be back in exactly 37 minutes. Yep. You've told me repeatedly

待在这儿 我们在37整分钟后回来 知道了 你都唠叨无数遍了

I can make it


Bravo! Mike. Nana is gonna love that

太棒了 麦克 奶奶肯定会喜欢

Oh, you're too kind, Mr. Moon

噢 你真是 真是太好了 月伯乐

And I myself am loving the new suit, sir

我自己也很喜欢这身演出服 先生

Okay, can we see ash next please? Ash, let's get you out here

好啦 下一场我们能看艾希的表演了吗 艾希 快点出来

Oh, stand back. Moody teenager coming through

噢 后退 忧郁少女来了

Good luck ash

加油 艾希
