《欢乐好声音》精讲 43(在线收听

Guys, I'm done

伙计们 我不干了

What do you mean done? Come on!

什么叫你不干了 少来

Didn't you see this?


It says I'm a danger to society


"A deluded washedup charlatan who never had a hit in his career"

一个彻头彻尾还输到底的江湖骗子 在事业上总是一事无成

Oh, come on, you don't believe all that

哦 不是吧 你怎么能信报纸上的胡咧咧

Yeah, I do

不 我信了

Listen, you're not the only one who lost something here. We all did!

听着 你不是这帮人里唯一一个若有所失的 我们都失去了某样东西

I mean, I lost any chance of ever speaking to my dad again over this show

我是说 为了这表演 我老爸再也不打算和我说话了

Mr Moon?


Meena, please

米娜 拜托

I baked a cake for you'cause well, I know you're sad right now and probably afraid to try again and.. Yeah, I am afraid

我为您烤了个蛋糕 那个 我知道你现在很难过 或许连重头再来的勇气都没有 没错 我是怂

I'm afraid that this


This, me, right now, this is who I am

是我 现在的我 我现在的德性

This is my lot for life that I'm not the guy that my dad wanted me to be, not by a million miles

这些 这就是我这一辈子了 我根本不是我父亲期待的样子 完全够不上

But you told me. What? What? What did I say?

可是你跟我说过 什么 我说啥了

Well, you know, "Don't let fear stop you from doing the thing you love"

你说 不要让恐惧阻止你追逐向往的步伐

Ah, come on, that's just a bunch of stupid corny.. No, it's not. What? You really believe that you're gonna be a singer?

得了吧 那不过是些傻话 老土的 不 才不是 你还真信你会成为歌星

Well, yeah, maybe

嗯 对啊 说不定呢

Well then, you're just as big a fool as I am!

好吧 那你就是跟我一样的宇宙超级无敌大傻瓜
