美国国家公共电台 NPR--The world's largest freshwater fish is found in Cambodia's Mekong River(在线收听

The world's largest freshwater fish is found in Cambodia's Mekong River


The giant stingray weighs nearly 660 pounds and spans more than 13 feet — from snout to tail. Researchers even gave the ray a pet name — Full Moon — to honor its generous shape.


Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. Villagers along Cambodia's Mekong River pulled out the biggest freshwater fish ever recorded - so big, it took a dozen men just to haul it ashore. It's a giant stingray, weighing nearly 660 pounds and more than 13 feet across, snout to tail. Researchers even gave the ray a pet name, Full Moon, to honor its shape. The Mekong is challenged by pollution, but one biologist says this stingray is a hopeful sign. It's MORNING EDITION.
