美国国家公共电台 NPR--Lost beagle returns home with a third prize ribbon in a dog show(在线收听

Lost beagle returns home with a third prize ribbon in a dog show


Bonnie, a beagle in England got lost and was found by a man driving in a dog show. He picked her up and decided to enter her and she won third place.


Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. A beagle got lost in England. The dog's name is Bonnie, and her owners were still searching when she met another dog owner. John Wilmer was driving to a dog show when he spotted the stray by the road. So he brought Bonnie to the show along with his two other dogs. He entered her into the best rescue dog competition, and Bonnie placed third. A picture in People magazine shows her reunited with her owner and wearing a yellow ribbon. It's MORNING EDITION.
