美国国家公共电台 NPR--Albuquerque erects 'Breaking Bad' statues to celebrate its entertainment legacy(在线收听

Albuquerque erects 'Breaking Bad' statues to celebrate its entertainment legacy


Bronze statues of fictional meth cookers Walter White and Jesse Pinkman occupy a place of honor in Albuquerque. New Mexico officials say they want to spotlight the booming entertainment industry.


Good morning, I'm Asma Khalid. Some towns erect statues of people from local history. A big part of Albuquerque's history - the TV show "Breaking Bad." Bronze statues of the fictional meth cookers Walter White and Jesse Pinkman now occupy a place of honor in Albuquerque. State officials say they want to spotlight a booming entertainment industry. And with plenty of incentives for production companies, they want to make New Mexico the star of your next favorite show. It's MORNING EDITION.
