美国国家公共电台 NPR--Couple ties the knot at the hospital where their daughter was in the NICU(在线收听

Couple ties the knot at the hospital where their daughter was in the NICU


Grier Stanley Barnwell was 28 weeks pregnant when she gave birth to her daughter, who spent 100 days in the neonatal intensive care unit. The couple delayed their wedding twice while she was treated.


Good morning. I'm Leila Fadel. Grier Stanley Barnwell was 28 weeks pregnant when she gave birth to her daughter Drue. Drue spent a hundred days in the neonatal intensive care unit with her parents at her side, parents who delayed their wedding twice while waiting for Drue to leave the NICU. After a nurse joked that Grier and her fiance, Jason Barnwell, should just get married there, they did indeed tie the knot next to Drue and her nurses. This is MORNING EDITION.
