美国国家公共电台 NPR--Spelunking team finds missing dog who was trapped in a cave for weeks(在线收听

Spelunking team finds missing dog who was trapped in a cave for weeks


Abby the dog, who went missing on June 9, was found 500 feet underground in a cave near Perryville, Mo. Abby was muddy and malnourished.


Good morning. I'm Leila Fadel. Abby the dog went missing way back on June 9. No trace until she was spotted by some kids on a spelunking expedition to map a cave near Perryville, Mo., 500 feet underground. Abby was muddy and malnourished. But with help from another caver and a local firefighter, they made it to her side, tucked her into a duffel bag and brought her into the light. They even found her astonished and grateful owner. It's MORNING EDITION.
