美国国家公共电台 NPR--The aurora borealis may be visible in the U.S. northern tier this week(在线收听

The aurora borealis may be visible in the U.S. northern tier this week


A strong geomagnetic storm will interfere with the earth's magnetic field — making the Northern Lights visible in more areas. The storm could mess with satellites, GPS tracking and the power grid.


Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. We are under a geomagnetic storm watch. It's caused by solar wind that interferes with the Earth's magnetic field. The forecast says it could get to level three out of five. Upside - the northern lights, the aurora borealis, might be visible in the northern U.S. Downside - it could mess with satellites, GPS tracking, the power grid, even radio, potentially making your favorite radio program a little bit harder to hear. It's MORNING EDITION.
