美国国家公共电台 NPR--After 10 years as an explosive detection dog for the TSA, Eebbers is retiring(在线收听

After 10 years as an explosive detection dog for the TSA, Eebbers is retiring


Eebbers was the oldest working dog in the agency and was assigned to the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport. He recently won first place in the TSA's cutest K9 contest.


Good morning. I'm Rachel Martin. Eebbers the dog has worked his entire life, and after 10 years as an explosive-detection dog for the TSA, he is retiring. He was the oldest working dog in the agency and was assigned to the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport. He's accomplished a lot in his career, including his recent first-place win in the TSA's cutest canine contest. They threw him a big retirement party, as well as for his handler. Eebbers got a cake shaped like a cartoon bomb and lots of chew toys. It's MORNING EDITION.
