美国国家公共电台 NPR--Statue in Canada celebrates the orange dust you get on your fingers from Cheetos(在线收听

Statue in Canada celebrates the orange dust you get on your fingers from Cheetos


The 17 foot statue is of a hand holding a Cheeto with bright orange fingertips. Cheetos erected the statue in Cheadle, Alberta, because the town's name sounds like cheetle — the name for Cheeto dust.


Good morning. I'm A Martinez. In Alberta, Canada, a new work celebrates the bright orange sticky dust you get on your fingers from eating Cheetos. It's a 17-foot statue of a hand holding a Cheeto with bright orange fingertips. Cheetos erected the statue in the hamlet of Cheadle, Alberta. The town was chosen because its name sounds like Cheetle, the company's official name for Cheeto dust. Next month, the statue embarks on a tour of Canada. Hopefully it goes well, because, as you all know, it ain't easy being cheesy. It's MORNING EDITION.
