美国国家公共电台 NPR--Chris Slayton is taking the video game 'Minecraft' to the next level(在线收听

Chris Slayton is taking the video game 'Minecraft' to the next level


Thousands follow Slayton's creations online. He now plans to build the entire observable universe — block by block. He spent months studying black holes and identifying the colors of the planets.


Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. Chris Slayton is taking the video game Minecraft to the next level. Minecraft is a game where you build houses, dig tunnels, create worlds. And thousands of people follow his creations online. Now he has set out to build the entire observable universe block by block. He spent months studying black holes and identifying the colors of the planets. He tells The New York Times, I want to up the standards. It's MORNING EDITION.
