美国国家公共电台 NPR--Qatar, host of the World Cup, loses its first match to Ecuador 2-0(在线收听

Qatar, host of the World Cup, loses its first match to Ecuador 2-0


Qatar fans began to leave early as their team was losing to Ecuador. A small group of Ecuadorian fans began to chant "we want beer." Qatari officials last week reversed course and banned beer sales.


Good morning. I'm A Martínez. As the opening match of the World Cup was winding down Sunday, many of the fans of the host Qatar began to leave the stadium early as their team was losing to Ecuador. But the much smaller group of Ecuadorian fans, happy with the victory, began to chant, we want beer. This because, on Friday, Qatari officials reversed course and banned beer sales at the tournament. Only alcohol-free Bud Zero is allowed. In the case of Ecuador beating Qatar, well, that was 2-0. It's MORNING EDITION.
