美国国家公共电台 NPR--Over the past 20 years in Maine, Santa Sunday has become a popular event(在线收听

Over the past 20 years in Maine, Santa Sunday has become a popular event


More than 300 skiers dressed as Santa shushed down the slopes at the Sunday River resort. Even a Grinch was spotted. This year the event raised $7,500 for a local nonprofit that invests in education.


Good morning. I'm Rob Schmitz. Christmas came a bit early in Maine. More than 300 skiers dressed as Santa shushed (ph) down the slopes at the Sunday River resort this weekend. Even a Grinch and a skiing Christmas tree were spotted. For the past 20 years, Santa Sunday has become a popular event. This year it raised $7,500 for a local nonprofit that invests in education. One slight problem - there was almost no natural snow, so snow-making machines were hard at work. It's MORNING EDITION.
