美国国家公共电台 NPR--Icy weather in Cambridge, England, interferes with delivery robot's path(在线收听

Icy weather in Cambridge, England, interferes with delivery robot's path


Graham Smith was out for a walk when he found the robot stuck on an icy curb. He wrote on Facebook that the wheels of the "poor little mite" were "spinning like crazy." Smith helped it on its way.


Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. Computer scientists have made a lot of progress with artificial intelligence, but a scene from Cambridge, England, shows challenges that remain. Graham Smith was out for a walk in the snow when he found a delivery robot stuck on an icy curb. He wrote in a Facebook post that the wheels of the poor little mite were spinning like crazy. Mr. Smith says he helped it on its way, and it thanked him. It looks like we don't have to fear our robot overlords just yet. It's MORNING EDITION.
