美国国家公共电台 NPR--Dentist from Brazil is now the person who has gone to the most World Cups(在线收听

Dentist from Brazil is now the person who has gone to the most World Cups


Daniel Sbruzzi, 75, has gone to 11 World Cups, according to Guinness World Records. He wears women's outfits to Brazil's games for good luck, but in Qatar he had to respect the local dress code.


Good morning, I'm A Martínez.

They say success in life is about showing up. For 75-year-old Brazilian dentist Daniel Sbruzzi, showing up to Qatar meant a new record - his 11th World Cup. Guinness World Records says he's now the person who's gone to the most World Cups. Sbruzzi wears women's outfits to Brazil's games for good luck. But in Qatar, he had to respect the local dress code, so he wore an Arabian robe. Next up, he plans on attending the Canada-Mexico-U.S. World Cup in 2026.

