美国国家公共电台 NPR--A Georgia man was briefly invited to play in golf's Masters Tournament(在线收听

A Georgia man was briefly invited to play in golf's Masters Tournament


Scott Stallings received an official invitation, but it was meant for a pro golfer with the same name. But he's going to the Masters anyway: pro-Scott invited amateur-Scott to watch a practice round.


Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. Almost any golfer dreams of playing at the Masters, even those of us who know how many balls we'd hit into Rae's Creek. Scott Stallings of Georgia was briefly living this dream. He received an invitation to the Masters, which sadly was intended for a pro golfer with the same name. He wrote the pro saying, I'm 100% sure this is not for me, but he's going to go anyway because pro Scott invited amateur Scott to watch a practice round. It's MORNING EDITION.
