美国国家公共电台 NPR--Adopting certain kittens at a Las Vegas shelter will get you a free Frontier flight(在线收听

Adopting certain kittens at a Las Vegas shelter will get you a free Frontier flight


Frontier Airlines is offering vouchers to the people who adopt the kittens named: Frontier, Delta and Spirit. Animal Foundation, which runs the Las Vegas shelter, named the new arrivals.


Good morning. I'm Rob Schmitz. Here's your chance to score a free flight. Frontier Airlines offers a flight voucher to anyone who adopts one of three kittens at a Las Vegas shelter. Why? Because the Animal Foundation, which runs the shelter, named the new arrivals Frontier, Delta and Spirit. One of the kittens was originally named Southwest, but the shelter didn't want to risk delaying its departure after the company's recent cancellation troubles. It's MORNING EDITION.
