美国国家公共电台 NPR--Could the Loch Ness Monster be vacationing in the U.S.?(在线收听

Could the Loch Ness Monster be vacationing in the U.S.?


A mysterious bit of video that was captured along the North Carolina coast has neighbors wondering if it's Nessie. A fishing boat captain filmed a serpent-like creature swimming near Atlantic Beach.


Good morning. I'm Dwane Brown. Could the Loch Ness Monster be taking a vacation? A mysterious bit of video captured along the North Carolina coast has neighbors wondering. A fishing boat captain filmed a serpentlike creature swimming near Atlantic Beach, and a post on Facebook collected other guesses on the true identity. Maybe a baby whale or a big alligator? If Nessie did leave Scotland, she might be trying to see what the sun looks like. It's MORNING EDITION.
