美国国家公共电台 NPR--Researchers have captured a radio signal from the most distant galaxy to date(在线收听

Researchers have captured a radio signal from the most distant galaxy to date


The Giant Metrewave Telescope in India captured that faint signal — coming from 8.8 billion light years away. Researchers say that receiving the signal is like reading a message from the past.


Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, something emitted radio waves. Now the Giant Metrewave Telescope in India has captured that faint signal from 8.8 billion light years away. Researchers say receiving this signal is like reading a message from the past. It may help to explain distant galaxies. And I hope if you listen very closely to that radio signal, you might just hear a voice saying, it's MORNING EDITION.
