美国国家公共电台 NPR--A stowaway frog triggered an alarm at Harrisburg's International Airport(在线收听

A stowaway frog triggered an alarm at Harrisburg's International Airport


A TSA official said the amphibian, which was found inside a piece of checked luggage, would be forgiven. The traveling public was reminded that live animals should never go into checked luggage.


Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. Airport security guards are trained to look closely at your baggage. They search for anything suspicious that jumps out at them, especially if it jumps out at them. In Harrisburg, Pa., the TSA discovered a frog. It apparently stowed away in a checked bag. And live animals are not allowed, which is really too bad because if only the frog could have flown, just think of how it could brag to its friends about the size of that leap. It's MORNING EDITION.
