美国国家公共电台 NPR--Utah has named the brine shrimp the official state crustacean(在线收听

Utah has named the brine shrimp the official state crustacean


The tiny critters are found around the world — in Utah they're in the Great Salt Lake. Brine shrimp provide food for fish and commercially grown shrimp — a multi-million dollar industry in Utah.


Good morning. I'm Leila Fadel. Some states have an official bird or a state flower. How about a state crustacean? Utah has bestowed that honor on the brine shrimp. The teensy critters are found all over the world. In Utah, they're in the Great Salt Lake. Brine shrimp provide food for fish and commercially grown shrimp, and that's a multimillion-dollar industry in Utah. Relatives of brine shrimp are even sold as novelty pets for aquariums. They're sea monkeys. It's MORNING EDITION.
