美国国家公共电台 NPR--A dad lost 79 pounds so he could donate a kidney to his son(在线收听

A dad lost 79 pounds so he could donate a kidney to his son


Daniel Kablutsiak lost 79 pounds after doctors told him he'd have to lose weight in order to donate a kidney to his son Hunter. Now he looks forward to playing hockey with Hunter after the transplant.


Good morning. I'm Leila Fadel. Most parents will do anything for their kids, but one Canadian dad really went above and beyond. Daniel Kablutsiak from the Arctic territory of Nunavut has spent the last year slimming down after doctors told him he'd have to lose weight in order to donate a kidney to his son Hunter. Daniel dropped 79 pounds. He says he looks forward to playing hockey with his son again after the transplant. Talk about dedication. It's MORNING EDITION.
