美国国家公共电台 NPR--It's National Pet Day, so show your pet some love(在线收听

It's National Pet Day, so show your pet some love


Animal welfare advocate Colleen Paige founded the day in 2006 to encourage adoption. But studies show life with a pet doesn't just benefit them — pets lower blood pressure and stress in their humans.


Good morning. I'm Michel Martin. If you are among the 66% of American households that lives with a pet, it's your day - or rather, it's the pet's day. You guessed it, it's National Pet Day. Animal welfare advocate Colleen Paige founded the day back in 2006 to encourage adoption. But studies show life with a pet doesn't just benefit the animal. Pet companions lower blood pressure and stress in their humans. So show your furry or scaly friend extra love today. It's MORNING EDITION.
