美国国家公共电台 NPR--A Southwest Airlines flight was delayed because of spilled fried rice(在线收听

A Southwest Airlines flight was delayed because of spilled fried rice


Passenger Jennifer Schaper, who was the Atlanta to Houston flight, tweeted: They are refusing to leave the gate until someone cleans the rice. When no one confessed, a flight attendant cleaned it up.


Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. A Southwest Airlines flight from Atlanta to Houston was delayed for an hour as flight attendants tried to solve a mystery - who spilled fried rice in the aisle? Passenger Jennifer Schaper tweeted, they are refusing to leave the gate until someone cleans the rice. When nobody confessed, a flight attendant cleaned up the mess herself while complaining to all the passengers, understandably. If only the passengers had stood up one by one saying, I am Spillacus (ph). It's MORNING EDITION.
