美国国家公共电台 NPR--A Montana 5th grader applies to be principal of an elementary school in Great Falls(在线收听

A Montana 5th grader applies to be principal of an elementary school in Great Falls


Ruth Rossmiller applied after she found out that the principal of Chief Joseph Elementary School was leaving. She didn't get the job, but on Monday she will get to be principal for a day.


Good morning. I'm A Martínez.

Do you think you're smarter than a fifth grader? I know I'm not - and definitely not smarter than a fifth grader in Great Falls, Mont., who applied to be the principal of her school. Ruth Rossmiller did it when she found out the principal of Chief Joseph Elementary School was leaving. In her interview, she said she'd make Taco Tuesday a permanent lunch option. Now, Ruth didn't get the job but will get to be principal for a day - today, actually. And she can always try for principal of her junior high next.

