美国国家公共电台 NPR--N.J. town forces combative parents to be umpires at Little League games(在线收听

N.J. town forces combative parents to be umpires at Little League games


A youth baseball program in New Jersey made a rule: If parents want to yell at the umpires, they have to become an umpire for three games. If they refuse, they are thrown out of the game.


Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep.

In Little League Baseball, the players are small, but the emotions can get big. And it's not always the kids. I pretty much just stood out in right field. But parents may yell at the umpires. So a youth baseball program in New Jersey made a rule. If you want to scream at the umps, you also have to become an umpire for three games. If you refuse, they throw you out of the game.

UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: That's it. You're out of here.

INSKEEP: Oh, that's an outrage. No way.

