美国国家公共电台 NPR--Tel Aviv beach seems to be a prime sunbathing spot for an endangered monk seal(在线收听

Tel Aviv beach seems to be a prime sunbathing spot for an endangered monk seal


Yulia, an endangered Mediterranean monk seal, became an overnight sensation when she turned up at the beach last Friday. She is apparently shedding her winter coat, which can be a days-long process.


Good morning. I'm A Martínez. A beach in Tel Aviv seems to be a prime sunbathing spot. At least Yulia seems to think so. The endangered Mediterranean monk seal became an overnight sealsation (ph) when she turned up at the beach last Friday. Yulia is apparently shedding her winter coat, which can be a dayslong process. Spotting a monk seal is very rare in Israel. So, Yulia, go ahead. Soak up and seal in as much sunshine as you want. It's MORNING EDITION.
