美国国家公共电台 NPR--The first mention of kissing was much earlier than previously known, researchers say(在线收听

The first mention of kissing was much earlier than previously known, researchers say


Some papers suggest romantic kissing began about 3,500 years ago. But a new review in the journal Science shows it was mentioned in much older clay tablets, from an area that's now modern-day Iraq.


Good morning. I'm Leila Fadel. New evidence suggests the first mention of kissing was much earlier than previously known. Some papers suggest romantic kissing began about 3,500 years ago in what is now India. But a new review in the journal Science shows it was mentioned in much older clay tablets from an area that's now modern-day Iraq, a thousand years earlier. The review was put together by a husband and wife from Denmark. Maybe they're subject matter experts. It's MORNING EDITION.
