美国国家公共电台 NPR--A dying oak tree, older than Chicago's founding, was recently cut down by the city(在线收听

A dying oak tree, older than Chicago's founding, was recently cut down by the city


The Bur Oak, a landmark at the Lincoln Park Zoo, was about 300 years old. Before it was chopped down, people lined up to say goodbye. Cuttings from the tree are being nurtured into saplings.


Good morning. I'm Leila Fadel. A dying oak tree older than Chicago's founding was recently cut down by the city. The bur oak was about 300 years old. It was a familiar landmark at the Lincoln Park Zoo. Before it was chopped down, people lined up to say goodbye. They delivered notes, drawings and took farewell selfies. But cheer up, Chicagoans; 36 cuttings from the tree are, as we speak, being nurtured into saplings. In 300 years, things will be as they were, times 36. It's MORNING EDITION.
