美国国家公共电台 NPR--Maryland high school is listed for sale on Zillow as part of a senior prank(在线收听

Maryland high school is listed for sale on Zillow as part of a senior prank


The listing described 12,458-square-foot Meade High School as a "half-working jail." A spokesperson for the local school district called it "incredibly creative advertising."


Good morning. I'm A Martínez. One of my favorite aimless activities is to scroll through real estate listings online that I can't afford. I can daydream. Anyways, last week there was something unique on Zillow. Listed for just over 42,000 bucks was Meade High School in Maryland. It was described as having a nice, spacious kitchen and dining room with a private basketball court and with 15 bathrooms, all with sewage issues. It wasn't really for sale. It was a senior prank. It's MORNING EDITION.
