2023年经济学人 美国汽车业大罢工赢得涨薪25%(在线收听



The world this week--Business


The Federal Reserve left its benchmark interest rate on hold again, at a range of between 5.25% and 5.5%. 美联储再次将基准利率维持在5.25%至5.5%的区间内。

Inflation has slowed, but uncertainty remains over the sell-off in the bond market, the oil price and the tight labour market. 通货膨胀已经放缓,但石油价格、债券市场的抛售和紧缺的劳动力市场仍存在不确定性。

The central bank left the door open to a rate rise at its next meeting in December.


America’s stockmarkets all lost ground in October, the third consecutive month of declines and the longest losing streak since the start of the covid-19 pandemic in 2020. 美国股市在10月份全部下跌,这是连续第三个月下跌,也是自2020年新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来持续时间最长的一次下跌。

The S&P 500 slid by 2.2% during the month, the NASDAQ composite by 2.8% and the Dow Jones industrial average by 1.4%. 标准普尔500指数本月下跌2.2%,纳斯达克综合指数下跌2.8%,道琼斯工业平均指数下跌1.4%。

Investors are adapting to a world of higher interest rates, which reduce the present value of future earnings.


The Bank of Japan relaxed its policy of capping long-term interest rates for the second time in three months. 日本央行在三个月内第二次放松了长期利率上限政策。

It will now allow the yield on ten-year Japanese government bonds to rise above 1%, treating this level as “a reference” rather than a strict ceiling. 日本央行现将允许十年期日本政府债券的收益率上调到1%以上,将这一水平作为“参考”,而不是严格的上限。

Ueda Kazuo, the bank’s governor, attributed the decision to the sharp rise in American Treasury yields. 日本央行行长植田和男将这一决定归因于美国国债收益率的大幅上升。

The BOJ remains the world’s only central bank to have a negative policy interest rate, of -0.1%.


The euro area’s GDP grew by just 0.1% in the third quarter, year on year. 欧元区第三季度国内生产总值(GDP)同比仅增长0.1%。

Over the previous three months it shrank by 0.1%, dragged down by Germany’s economy, which also contracted by 0.1%.

欧元区第三季度国内生产总值环比萎缩0.1%, 这受到了德国经济的拖累,德国经济也萎缩了0.1%。

That was in part a result of reduced household spending, but also of subdued global demand for Germany’s industrial goods. 这在一定程度上是家庭支出减少的结果,但也是全球对德国工业品需求低迷的结果。

There was also some good news for the currency bloc, though. 不过,欧元区也有一些好消息。

Annual inflation tumbled to 2.9% in October, from 4.3% in September.


The United Auto Workers union ended its six-week strike after reaching pay deals with Ford, General Motors and Stellantis, the parent company of Fiat-Chrysler. 全美汽车工人联合会在与福特、通用汽车和Stellantis公司(Fiat-Chrysler的母公司)达成薪酬协议后,结束了为期六周的罢工。

All three Detroit carmakers have agreed to increase workers’ pay by 25% over a four-year contract. 底特律的这三家汽车制造商都同意在一份为期四年的合同中将工人的工资提高25%。

Ford said recently that the stoppage cost it $1.3bn in operating earnings, GM reckoned it was losing $200m a week, and Stellantis said it lost $3.2bn in revenue.


Meanwhile GM’s self-driving car business, Cruise, decided to halt all its robotaxi operations after California suspended the service in the state because of safety concerns. 与此同时,通用汽车的自动驾驶汽车业务Cruise决定停止所有机器人出租车业务,此前,加利福尼亚州出于安全考虑暂停了该州的服务。

Cruise’s other markets include Dallas, Houston, Miami and Phoenix.

