2023年经济学人 以色列和哈马斯同意临时停火(在线收听


The world this week--Politics


Israel and Hamas agreed to a temporary truce in order to facilitate the freeing of some hostages who were captured by Hamas during its terrorist attack on Israel on October 7th and taken to Gaza. 哈马斯在10月7日对以色列发动恐怖袭击,为了促成哈马斯释放在此期间俘获并带到加沙的一些人质,以色列和哈马斯同意暂时休战。

The deal, brokered by Qatar, will also release 150 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails, all of them either women or teenagers.


Negotiations over the details delayed the release of the hostages until at least November 24th. 有关细节的谈判将释放人质至少推迟到11月24日。

The deal will also allow more aid into Gaza.


Israel carried out further strikes on southern Lebanon, killing four members of Hamas and five Hizbullah militants.


A Lebanese broadcaster said two of its journalists were also killed.


Israel has intensified its attacks on Hizbullah targets in response to the Iranian-supported militia stepping up its rocket attacks.


Yemen’s Houthi rebels boarded and seized a British-owned and Japanese-operated cargo ship in the Red Sea, claiming it was linked to Israel. 也门胡塞叛军在红海扣押了一艘英国所有、日本经营的货船,声称这艘货船与以色列有关。

The attack by the Iranian-backed group has raised concerns over the security of a vital sea route that carries 40% of Europe’s trade with Asia.


Israel recalled its ambassador from South Africa, following an escalation in tensions between the two countries over the war in Gaza. 以色列召回了驻南非大使,此前, 两国因加沙战争而导致紧张局势升级。

South Africa, along with four other countries, has asked the International Criminal Court to investigate what they allege are Israeli war crimes in Gaza.


The effort by Zambia to restructure its debt hit a bump when a deal it had struck with bondholders was rejected by China and France, highlighting the difficulty in getting private and official creditors to agree on debt relief. 赞比亚与债券持有人达成的一项协议遭到中国和法国的拒绝,赞比亚重组债务的努力遭遇挫折,这突显出让私人债权人和官方债权人在债务减免上达成一致的难度。

The setback raises doubts about whether other African countries such as Ghana will be able to resolve their own debt troubles.


Liberia’s president, George Weah, conceded defeat to Joseph Boakai, his rival in a recent presidential run-off.


Mr Weah’s concession ends worries about post-electoral violence in Liberia’s second democratic transfer of power since 1944.


The Dutch election produced a shock result, as the Party for Freedom (PVV) led by Geert Wilders, a veteran far-right politician, won the most seats in parliament. 荷兰大选的结果令人震惊,由资深极右翼政治家基尔特·威尔德斯领导的自由党赢得了议会中最多的席位。

Mr Wilders has pledged to halt a “tsunami of asylum and immigration” to the Netherlands but may find it difficult to form a coalition with the mainstream parties. 基尔特·威尔德斯承诺阻止“避难和移民的海啸”涌入荷兰,但自由党可能很难与主流政党组成联合政府。

The conservative party of the outgoing prime minister, Mark Rutte, came third; he is leaving office after 13 years in power.


Britain’s official figure for net migration in 2022 was revised sharply upwards, from 606,000 to 745,000. 英国官方公布的2022年净移民人数经修正后大幅上涨,从60.6万人增加至74.5万人。

For the 12 months ending June 2023 the figure was given as 672,000. 在截至2023年6月的12个月里,移民人数为67.2万。

The statisticians think the “more recent estimates indicate a slowing of immigration coupled with increasing emigration.”

