2023年经济学人 Open AI重新任命奥特曼为首席执行官(在线收听

Open AI重新任命奥特曼为首席执行官

The world this week--Business


Open AI reinstated Sam Altman as chief executive, just days after he was ousted, and created a new board of directors. 就在山姆·奥特曼被解职几天后,Open AI重新任命他为首席执行官,并组建了新的董事会。

The turmoil at the startup that developed the ChatGPT chatbot shook the artificial-intelligence industry. 这家开发ChatGPT聊天机器人的初创公司的混乱震动了人工智能行业。

The reasons behind the sacking are still unclear, but are thought to have reflected a disagreement over the speed of the AI revolution. 解雇背后的原因尚不清楚,不过,据信,这反映了各方对人工智能革命速度的分歧。

Almost all of OpenAI’s staff threatened to quit if Mr Altman was not brought back.


Microsoft, which owns a 49% stake in the firm, had offered to employ him. 拥有该公司49%股份的微软曾提出聘用奥特曼。

Larry Summers, an eminence grise and former American treasury secretary, will sit on the new board.


America’s Department of Justice announced that Binance had pleaded guilty to money-laundering and failing to comply with international sanctions, and would pay penalties amounting to $4.3bn. 美国司法部宣布,币安承认犯有洗钱罪、违反国际制裁罪,将支付总计43亿美元的罚款。

Changpeng Zhao, who founded the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, resigned as chief executive and pleaded guilty to related charges.


The department said that over five years Binance had enabled nearly $1bn in illegal payments involving countries and individuals under sanctions, and simply ignored American law and safeguards.


Elon Musk tried to navigate a storm of criticism following his approval of an antisemitic trope posted on X. 埃隆·马斯克试图躲开一场批评风暴,此前,他在X(原推特)上对一篇反犹言论表示认同。

After the White House lashed out at his apparent endorsement of a “hideous” conspiracy theory, Mr Musk insisted he was not antisemitic.


He also announced that users on X who apply the term “decolonisation” to Israel and other terms that imply the genocide of Jewish people would be suspended from the platform.


Meanwhile X sued Media Matters for America, a pressure group, after it published data purporting to show that X had allowed ads to run next to Nazi and Holocaust-denying posts.


Some big companies, including Apple, Disney and IBM, pulled their advertising from the site following the report. 包括苹果、迪士尼和IBM在内的一些大公司在这份报告发布后从该网站上撤下了广告。

X claims Media Matters “manipulated” data in order to destroy its business.


X was not the only social-media company to find itself in hot water over antisemitic-related content. X并不是唯一一家因反犹太相关内容而陷入困境的社交媒体公司。

A number of Jewish celebrities urged TikTok to tackle a rise in anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli posts on its platform, which includes the re-emergence of Osama bin Laden’s bilious rant against Jews and the West, which first surfaced in 2002.


Bin Laden’s self-styled “Letter to America” recently went viral on TikTok, which eventually removed hashtags linked to it.


Sacha Baron Cohen, a comedic actor, said TikTok was “creating the biggest antisemitic movement since the Nazis”.

