2023年经济学人 美国敦促加沙地带延长停火(在线收听


The world this week--Politics


Antony Blinken, America’s secretary of state, went to Israel to press for more extensions to the ceasefire in Gaza. 美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯前往以色列,敦促加沙地带进一步延长停火。

Under the truce Hamas has released Israeli hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners in Israel. 根据停火协议,哈马斯释放以色列人质,以换取以色列境内的巴勒斯坦囚犯。

During the week William Burns, the director of the CIA, and David Barnea, the head of Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, went to Doha to hold talks with the Qatari prime minister and Egyptian officials about the hostages. 本周,美国中央情报局局长威廉·伯恩斯与以色列情报机构摩萨德的负责人大卫·巴尼亚前往多哈(卡塔尔首都),与卡塔尔首相和埃及官员就人质问题举行会谈。

The Americans want Israel to prolong the ceasefire. 美国希望以色列延长停火。

Israel’s government is insisting that the war against Hamas must resume soon.


The annual climate summit convened by the UN got under way in Dubai.


COP28 is being attended by 70,000 climate advocates, diplomats and journalists, though Joe Biden is skipping this one (he attended the previous two COPs as America’s president). 有7万名气候倡导者、外交官和记者正在参加第28届联合国气候变化大会,尽管乔·拜登会缺席这次会议(他以美国总统身份参加了前两次联合国气候变化大会)。

The three main battles at the 12-day gathering are cracking down on methane emissions, reaching a deal on climate finance and finding a path to end the use of fossil fuels.


An attack on a prison in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, killed 20 people, including 13 soldiers, and freed 1,890 inmates. 塞拉利昂首都弗里敦的一所监狱遭到袭击,造成包括13名士兵在内的20人死亡,并放走了1890名囚犯。

The country’s information officer described the assault as a failed coup directed by bodyguards loyal to the former president.


Finland shut its entire border with Russia for two weeks to stop what it claims is an organised attempt by Russia to ferry illegal migrants across the frontier. 芬兰将其与俄罗斯的整个边境关闭了两周,以阻止其所称的俄罗斯有组织地将非法移民运送过边境的企图。

The Finnish prime minister, Petteri Orpo, described it as “Russia’s influence operation”.


Negotiations began in the Netherlands to form a new government after the election victory of the far-right Party for Freedom (PVV), led by Geert Wilders. 在荷兰,基尔特·威尔德斯领导的极右翼自由党(PVV)赢得选举后,开启了组建新政府的谈判。

Mr Wilders is trying to determine which parties will enlist in a coalition, a tricky task given that the mainstream conservative party has ruled out joining him in government, though it has suggested it would support a centre-right cabinet.


Ireland’s prime minister, Leo Varadkar, said he would tighten the country’s laws against incitement to hatred “and hatred in general”. 爱尔兰总理利奥·瓦拉德卡表示,他将加强国家法律,打击对仇恨“以及一般仇恨”的煽动。

He was responding to a rare spate of rioting in Dublin that was sparked by the non-fatal stabbing of three children and a school assistant by a man of Algerian origin.


The Polish president, Andrzej Duda, swore in a new government formed by the Law and Justice (PiS) party.


The government is expected to last just two weeks.


PiS won a minority of seats in Poland’s recent election. 法律与正义党在波兰最近的选举中赢得了少数席位。

A coalition led by Donald Tusk, a former prime minister, gained the most seats and will vote the government down when it presents its plans to parliament. 由前总理唐纳德·图斯克领导的联合政府赢得了最多的席位,并在这届政府向议会提交计划时投票否决。

Mr Duda hails from the PiS.

