2023年经济学人 美国制裁以色列定居者(在线收听


The world this week--Politics


Israel brought its fight against Hamas to southern Gaza, encircling Khan Younis, where Hamas has consolidated its position after losing control of northern Gaza. 以色列将打击哈马斯的战斗带到了加沙南部,包围了汗尤尼斯。哈马斯在失去对加沙北部的控制后,在汗尤尼斯巩固了自己的地位。

Israeli warplanes stepped up their bombardment of the Palestinian strip. 以色列战机加紧了对巴勒斯坦地带的轰炸。

The fighting resumed after the collapse of a week-long ceasefire, which America and Israel blamed on Hamas for breaking its promise to release more hostages, firing rockets while the truce was in place and killing civilians in an attack in Jerusalem. 在为期一周的停火协议破裂后,加沙战火重启。美国和以色列指责哈马斯违背了释放更多人质的承诺,指责哈马斯在停火协议生效期间发射火箭弹,并在耶路撒冷发动袭击杀害平民。

With battles raging in the area where Gazans had sought shelter, concerns grew about civilian casualties.


Hospitals are said to be running low on fuel and medical supplies.


America imposed visa sanctions on extremist Israeli settlers who are involved in attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank. 一些极端的以色列定居者参与了对约旦河西岸巴勒斯坦人的袭击,美国对这些人实施了签证制裁。

Antony Blinken, America’s secretary of state, has pressed the Israeli government to do more to hold settlers who commit violence accountable for their actions.


Vladimir Putin visited Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, where he discussed oil (Russia is a big contributor to OPEC+) and business (the UAE is a hub for Russian business dealings). 弗拉基米尔·普京访问了沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯联合酋长国。普京在这些国家讨论了石油(俄罗斯是欧佩克+的重要贡献国)和商业(阿联酋是俄罗斯商业交易的中心)。

Mr Putin was also set to meet Iran’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, in Moscow.


Iran supplies drones to Russia for its war on Ukraine.


The military junta in Niger scrapped its military partnership with the European Union, which had been helping it fight against jihadists. 尼日尔军政府取消了与欧盟的军事伙伴关系。欧盟一直在帮助尼日尔军政府打击圣战分子。

Niger’s defence ministry said his country wants closer military co-operation with Russia.


The death toll rose from flooding in Tanzania. 坦桑尼亚洪水造成的死亡人数上升。

Some 300 people in east Africa have died recently, half of them in Kenya, in floods and landslides related to the El Nino climate pattern, which is causing unusually heavy rains in the region.


Nigeria’s air force killed at least 85 civilians when it mistakenly bombed a religious gathering in the northern state of Kaduna. 尼日利亚空军误炸了北部卡杜纳州的一个宗教集会,造成至少85名平民死亡。

The government has been battling jihadists and armed groups of bandits, who have terrorised large parts of the north.


Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela’s autocratic president, held a referendum asking voters if they wanted to annex two-thirds of neighbouring Guyana, which has benefited from discoveries of huge oil reserves. 委内瑞拉独裁总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗举行了全民公投,询问选民是否希望吞并邻国圭亚那三分之二的领土。圭亚那因发现了巨大的石油储量而获益。

The exercise was skewed in favour of a yes vote as there was no official “no” campaign. 由于没有官方的“反对”运动,这次投票结果偏向于赞成。

The electoral authority claimed that over 10m people voted, an unlikely figure, given that few were seen at polling-stations.


Even so, Brazil sent troops and 16 armoured vehicles to the border with Venezuela.

