华盛顿邮报 FTX帝国倒下的原因是什么?(2)(在线收听


    I feel like I have so many questions about that.


    Like, is that legal to operate this whole company offshore and do the kinds of financial things that you couldn't do here in the U.S.?


    But but I also want to talk about this guy, Sam Bankman-Fried. What's he like?


    He's 30 years old. He grew up in the Bay Area.


    Both of his parents were professors at Stanford Law, which becomes funny later when you understand that the dad focused in part on corporate governance, and the mom focused in part on ethics, which are two things that the company was revealed to be lacking in, to understate it wildly.


    But he grew up, obviously, in a you know, in a very intellectual environment.


    He ended up going to MIT for college, where he studied physics and math, and then ended up heading to Wall Street after college to a little investment firm called Jane Street, where he learned how to trade.

    他最后去了麻省理工学院读大学,在那里他学习了物理和数学,然后在大学毕业后去了华尔街一家叫Jane Street的小型投资公司,在那里他学会了如何交易。

    And while he was there, the cryptocurrency industry sort of took off, and he noticed that there were opportunities in the infancy of this industry to make certain kinds of trades that were basically sure bets.


    And so he left the company in 2017 to start his own firm called Alameda Research.

    他在2017年离开了这家公司,创办了自己的公司Alameda Research。

    And this was a hedge fund, and the founding purpose of the hedge fund was just to take advantage of differences in Bitcoin in different countries.


    And so he had a team of people that he was sending out around the world to buy and sell Bitcoin and take advantage of this price differential and pocketing huge amounts of money very quickly.


    He was making millions and millions of dollars.


    And that became the kind of seed money for FTX, the trading platform that he went on to found that really rocketed his wealth and prestige into a completely different, you know, level.


    So, when I've seen footage of Sam Bankman-Fried in the past, I get this impression that he's kind of awkward and also really not like your typical finance executive.


    So, he is a self-described nerd who has this very distinctive mop of curly, dark hair and presented himself really as a slob.


    I mean, he would show up for conferences with heads of state in what became his kind of signature uniform of an FTX-branded T-shirt and cargo shorts and running shoes.


    I mean, he took the stage with Tony Blair and Bill Clinton in the Bahamas at an FTX conference wearing this.


    He would show up to very important meetings with investors wearing this.


    This was his calling card, like he just rolled off of the beanbag that he slept in in his office for whatever meeting he happened to be taking.

