华盛顿邮报 特朗普爱荷华州取得压倒性胜利(1)(在线收听

On Monday night, Iowa Republicans will meet in community centers and high-school gyms across the state. 周一晚上,爱荷华州共和党人将在全州各地的社区中心和高中体育馆举行集会。

They'll be the first voters in the country to choose who they want to be president.


And in the final days before the caucuses, we wanted to know what Iowans are saying and how campaigns are strategizing, so we called three reporters. Michael Scherer...

在举行党团会议前的最后几天,我们想知道爱荷华人在说什么,以及竞选团队是如何制定策略的,因此,我们给三名记者打了电话。分别是迈克尔·谢勒……I'm a national political reporter for The Post, and I've been covering these Iowa things since -- I guess 2008, 2007 was my first cycle.


...Hannah Knowles...


I'm a campaign reporter for The Post, and I've mostly been following Governor DeSantis. 我是《华盛顿邮报》的竞选记者,我主要关注的是德桑蒂斯州长。

This is my first presidential election I've covered, so everything's new and exciting.


...and Meryl Kornfield.


I'm also a campaign reporter at the Washington Post, and I am not really covering anyone specifically, just kind of roaming around Iowa looking for things to write about.


They've all been covering the 2024 presidential race in Iowa, where Trump has a wide lead in the polls.


At the beginning, of this cycle, it didn't look like it was going to be that way, but as this campaign has unfolded, Trump has pulled into a pretty commanding lead in the place where his rivals really wanted to first draw blood to sort of show that this guy was mortal, to show that he wasn't a king getting coronated.


Now it looks like it may end up showing that a king is more or less getting coronated with more than 50% of the vote.


There's still some suspense. It's not like it's over. 仍然有一些悬念。还没结束呢。

The race is not going to be done after Iowa, but Trump is clearly in a much stronger position than most people thought at the beginning of this.


Today, where things stand in Iowa just a few days before the caucuses and why the winner in Iowa doesn't always become the nominee.


So, Meryl, I know that you've been on the ground in Iowa going around the state. 梅丽尔,我知道你一直在爱荷华州四处走动,进行实地考察。

And earlier in the week, we talked to our colleague Isaac Arnsdorf about Trump and particularly Republican support for Trump, which I find interesting because he is facing a couple criminal indictments right now. 本周早些时候,我们与我们的同事艾萨克·阿恩斯多夫谈论了特朗普,特别是共和党对特朗普的支持。我觉得这很有趣,因为他现在正面临几起刑事起诉。

So I guess I just want to understand his support a little more.


And I know you've talked to a couple people like these two voters named Annie Smith and John Yon. 我知道你还采访过像安妮·史密斯和约翰·杨这样的选民。

What did they tell you? Like, what is it that people like about Trump and are really gravitating to right now?

他们跟你说了什么? 比如,人们喜欢特朗普哪里,以及现在真正吸引人们的是什么?
